EMDR Certified Therapist

Coaching is grounded in cognitive and behavioral learning theories. Supposedly, the most effective coaching practice integrates classical conditioning, reinforcement, transformative learning, and
experiential learning theories to make lasting changes through deep understanding. If CBT worked, we could send everyone home with a workbook to “change their thinking.” Coaching is grounded in cognitive and behavioral learning theories. The most effective coaching practice integrates classical conditioning, reinforcement, transformative learning, and experiential learning theories to make lasting changes through deep understanding.

EMDR Therapy Effectiveness appears to be effective for single events such as rape or car
accidents but I always clean it up with brainspotting

EMDR therapy Benefits

The Benefits of EMDR are always positive. It is effective and has no side effects. The definition of EMDR is a neuro therapy that is over 60 years old. It applies a rigid 8-phase protocol which can limit processing and is slower than Brainspotting. Rapid eye movements can open many windows all at once, causing dissociation or activation, which is called an ab-reaction. Brainspotting uses one eye position at a
time which correlates with a neural pathway and a feeling in the body. Brainspotting, or neuro-
experiential work is more concise, contained, and effective and integrates parts more readily.

EMDR is Holistic psychotherapy

EMDR is an integrative psychotherapy that is holistic. Elizabeth has over 22 years of experience as a paramedic and understands thoroughly how the body and mind intersect. Diet, exercise, and targeted supplementation can also help.


Anxiety is about what hasn’t happened yet which is based on templates created prior to the
symptoms of anxiety which can make someone experience headaches, stomachaches, nausea,
vomiting, and fear.

Panic Attacks
This is an abrupt surge of intense fear which can make someone feel as though they are
experiencing a heart attack. Symptoms can include palpitations, sweating, trembling, shortness
of breath, chest pain, nausea, feeling lightheaded, chills or heat sensations, feelings of unreality,
fear of impending doom, fear of losing control.

Grief & Loss
This is an experience, not a diagnosis. It is important to know that grief is a normal
reaction to loss and should be worked through, not medicated. There is no timeline for grief and

It can make people feel listless and sad. It is NOT a chemical imbalance as
pharmaceutical companies would like you to believe, and it is not genetic. People can feel
depressed for many reasons. Some have a history of trauma and neglect which can include acts
of omission which are things that should have happened but didn’t. For example, if a mother has
a personality disorder or another problem which prevented her from being attentive as a mother,
and she left you crying for hours without picking you up; that’s an act of omission which can
give a person beliefs such as, “I’m not loveable, or I’m defective and it can give someone who
experiences this survival terror. Processing with EMDR and Brainspotting cures depression by
integrating the parts that are detached or dissociated from the adult self.

Are a behavior. I do not agree that addictions are a disease and can be process by
using Robert Miller’s addiction protocol which deconstructs the positive feeling which drives
the addiction.

Anger is normal and for people with trauma, it can be healthy as it’s the opposite of
helplessness. Individuals need to be heard and understood. Anger results if that doesn’t happen
and if trauma is not addressed correctly.

This is fear or anxiety about a situation. The cause can be fear of loss of control and is
fixed with EMDRor brainspotting, which processes what’s behind the phobia.



Anxiety is a trauma-based fear. Performance problems are traumas that play out
in the form of yips or mistakes

Sleep problems
Sleep problems come from trauma. I have cured sleep problems by processing the traumas that
happen during sleep.

Low self-esteem
Low self-esteem comes from a lack of confidence…again, trauma or experientially based

Trust issues
This is related to trauma-based…betrayal

Traumatic Memories
Traumatic Memories are memories often held in the cells of the body as in chronic pain that
does not respond to other therapies.