The German Brainspotting research from Stemmler, Eichmann and Grand has been published in the peer-reviewed Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology (MJCP) ISSN: 2282-1619 Vol. 5 No. 1 (2017). Read the full text article.
Brainspotting and Performance Blocks
Brainspotting is an effective and comprehensive method for performance improvement and enhancement. Brainspotting targets the precise difficulty and repairs the problem in real time. Musicians can immediately play better following brainspotting and athletes can perform more efficiently. Usually trauma, attitudes of coaches and teachers do affect performance. Brainspotting quickly resolves the obstacles which block performance. Read more on A …
Healing Trauma: EMDR Patients Share Their Stories
Healing Trauma: EMDR Patients Share Their Stories Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. EMDR is a set of standardized protocols that incorporates elements from many different treatment approaches. To date, EMDR therapy has helped millions of people of all ages …
Brainspotting Found the Most Efficacious in Sandy Hook
The Newtown – Sandy Hook Community Foundation, Inc. recently released findings from its third annual community survey. Brainspotting was found to be the most efficacious of all treatment methods used in Newtown / Sandy Hook.
Blue Mind Rx: Water Is Medicine
Blue Mind Rx is a campaign to change the conversation about the true value of healthy, wild waters for good, and for all people. Read all about it on Google Docs
Relief for PTSD with EMDR
Melody Schreiber writes in The Washington Post about how a woman found relief for PTSD with a different kind of therapy. But does it work?
Why You Should Think Twice Before Meditating
Meditation is not good for people who have trauma or anxiety disorders as their symptoms are exacerbated by this practice. Every day, articles surface on its benefits, but for many, as pointed out in this article by The Atlantic , meditation can give rise to anxiety and dissociation, particularly in people who have past trauma. The article notes: “Meditation is …
Doctors, Depression & Drug-free Treatments
A NYT article entitled Silence Is the Enemy for Doctors Who Have Depression published Thursday January 14, 2016 by Aaron E. Carroll articulates the common occurrence of depression in doctors and they believe there is a stigma so they seldom speak out. Dr. Carroll tells us “I plan to go to a therapist for the rest of my life.” Depression …
Response to NYT Article: Psychology Is Not in Crisis
As a practicing psychotherapist, I am deeply concerned about Barrett’s postulation that psychological science does not need to be replicated or empirically validated. This idea that science can exist for the sake of science, right or wrong, is dubious at best. If science does not need replication and empiric validation, anyone could theoretically say anything, call it science and apply …
How Cancer Affects Sexual Intimacy, And How To Fix It
Dissociation, alienation from the body and loss of libido are among the myriad emotions and experiences that are present while living with cancer. While in treatment or remission it is difficult for most, and impossible for some, to maintain healthy sexual relationships. The New York Times sheds light into what these experiences are like for some in their 2013 article, …
Chemotherapy Keeps the Brain Disengaged
The mental effects of cancer and cancer treatments last well beyond remission. A fascinating study by the Unviersity of British Columbia was published last week that details how chemotherapy affects the brain’s ability to stay engaged. A normal human brain will engage in a task for awhile before wandering; it splits time between active engagement and wandering. In this study …
Medicating Women’s Feelings
There was a terrific article in yesterday’s New York Times called Medicating Women’s Feelings by Julie Holland, a NY psychiatrist. She wrote the book Moody Bitches: The Truth About the Drugs You’re Taking, The Sleep You’re Missing, The Sex You’re Not Having, and What’s Really Making You Crazy. This is a topic we’ve already discussed here on this blog. Taking …
The Importance of Touch to Well-Being
The “right” kind of touch is critical to the emotional, psychological and physical health of every individual…but why? In this interview, David Linden discusses why touch matters, how it helps and hurts, and why some people don’t feel pain at all. If a child is born into a situation where social touch is deprived because there are not enough caregivers …
After PTSD More Trauma
After PTSD More Trauma A terrific article appeared in the New York Times this week on PTSD, called “After PTSD, More Trauma.” It’s about a veteran who came home traumatized and saw a new graduate therapist at the Department of Veterans Affairs. The therapist decided to apply Exposure Therapy to cure him and predictably, it made him much worse. When …
The Truth About Mental Health Reimbursement
Yesterday’s Washington Post featured a poorly written article on The Parity Act of 2008 that painted an inaccurate and unhelpful view on mental health reimbursement policies. The truth is, people need to be savvy in knowing how to get reimbursed for their mental health care. They need to know that a large percentage of out-of-network fees they pay to psychotherapists …